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Empowering Precision: The Helios Solution for Indonesia's Premier Optical Manufacturer


In the rapidly evolving world of scientific research, precision and reliability in optical laboratory settings are paramount. Our client, a top-tier optical manufacturer based in Indonesia, faced challenges with frequent power interruptions that threatened the integrity of sensitive laboratory operations and experiments involving optical precision instruments.


The client's optical laboratories are critical to their production process, housing delicate optical precision instruments and conducting vital experiments. Any power disruption could lead to significant operational setbacks and increased costs. They needed an energy storage system that would:

  • Provide an uninterrupted power supply to prevent disruptions.
  • Reduce energy expenses by optimizing power usage.
  • Support their sustainability goals by decreasing carbon footprint.


MagicPower introduced the Helios Residential Energy Storage System, a state-of-the-art solution designed to meet the diverse needs of various settings, including laboratories.


The implementation of Helios Residential Energy Storage System transformed the laboratory's operations by providing a reliable and constant power supply, which is critical for the precise tasks performed there. The lab now enjoys increased operational efficiency and reduced downtime, leading to faster innovation cycles and enhanced product quality. Financially, the solution has proven beneficial by cutting down on energy costs and optimizing energy consumption.